Why the Intel Community and Defense Industry Think Trump Is a Russian Operative

Kent Hartland
5 min readAug 28, 2020
Read the Faces, the Apprehension and Fear. And the Groveling, Grinning, Yes Man

I’ve published several articles in the last two weeks about warning signs that I see that lead me and many other people smarter than I, to conclude the Russians are actively working to steal another election for Trump, and to do much more. I won’t regurgitate that here, it makes me literally sick to contemplate, so read them here on Medium for yourself if you care about our country.

I’m not some Intel community insider, I just read and think and write a little. The Russians simplify things, they make little attempt to hide their contempt for America or their increasingly belligerent and aggressive shoves and pushes. Indeed, this very day I read a report of Russians ramming US armored vehicles on anti-ISIS patrol in Syria, concussing four Americans, in a region known to be patrolled by the US forces, not the Russians. Rather than fire on them, the Americans backed away to the hoots and howls of the Spetsnaz commandos embedded with the troops.

In addition to the actions by the Russian military vehicles, Russian military helicopters in the vicinity also hovered “just above the tops of the American vehicles” for some time, according to the U.S. official. Ever experienced helicopter prop wash? It is battering and loud as hell.

That’s how intimidation works, you have to make sure that everyone can see you kick sand in the face of the other guy, you don’t hide it, you make a video and post it on Twitter, which is exactly what the Russians did. Trump’s favorite hang out is ricocheting with video of Russians muscling Americans off the road and out of the area while their guys laughed like a bunch of beer joint parking lot drunks.

These events happened “just a week after a U.S.-led convoy returned fire after it came under attack near a checkpoint manned by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, who are backed by Russia,” the Times reminds us. “A day later, on Aug. 18, three small Katyusha rockets landed near the American military’s Conoco base in northeastern Syria.

But, even all that is just a subset of ratcheting Russian up of aggression against US forces around the world. In the air, on the land and sea, they seem to have been told to push our envelope, get in our face, belly bump us, trade some paint, stare us down. Let us know the Bear us back, bitch.

What’s Trump saying about all this? Not a damn word, because he is compromised, which means he skips to Putin’s tune or the tapes get released revealing him to be more perverted and disgusting than anyone could have imagined. Oh, and his family and empire will be ruined and disgraced along with him. Putin does not take half-measures when someone crosses him. Donald Trump’s most prized possession is his own ego and for a man like Putin who will spend years gathering what he heeds, Trump was putty in his hands, both before and after the trap slammed shut.

So, why do I say that our Intel Community and Defense industry insiders, both in the government and the big contractors, believe Trump is playing for the other side? Defense One is a trade rag for the US Defense establishment. It’s like the Times or Post Or Journal of our DOD and their private sector partners. Here’s a piece by David A. Graham they printed January 15, 2019 that still is as accurate as a laser, although several of the suppositions in the article then have since been shown to be facts by the recent Senate Intelligence Committee Report On Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. Its a quick read:


Now, these folks at Defense One, they do have to measure themselves I suppose. They maintain a blue chip contact list with some of the most important people in American government and the military as well as the Boeings, Raytheons and General Dynamics of the US. So, to hear them raising such bold and assertive claims about our President speaks to their alarm for the state of affairs, the conviction they feel for their piece and the confidence that it is in harmony with their readership at all levels.

That alone is significant. But there have been a continuing stream of criticism from this back channel sort of way for “voices” to be heard and people to whisper what they know, via reputable press without committing career suicide.

For those reasons, I give them a high measure of credibility. When Defense One concludes that Trump suuuure acts like, looks like and walks like a Russian puppet, ya gotta think they know what they’re talking about. And that’s just the information they feel they can verify and print without violating any more sensitive information than Trump has.

U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years! Secret conversations between just the two men and two interpreters, that Trump has vehemently refused to discuss or allow any record of.

Why would an American president do that? Because he was receiving instructions and perhaps criticism for not doing enough for Russia, fast enough. And, no doubt after each meeting being reminded of the stakes should he ever think about not doing exactly as he is told. You have such beautiful daughters and — your wife, well…

Vlad Putin is no conversationalist, no great thinker, no person you would want to have dinner with. He is crude, cold and deadly, like a snake. Just look at what he’s personally done over the years to people and what he has ordered done to people. The Russians always issue a mild, perfunctory denial of his brutal murders and injuries, terrorism, extortion and blackmail, his hideous idea of black humor, but that’s it. Beyond that, they stop denying , cross their arms and sit back, their blue steel gaze, all you need to know about their little denial.

They want you to know they did it. They want you to fear them. And they want you to know, they’ve never forgotten Reagan outspending the USSR into bankruptcy, trying to match our might. They want you to know:

Месть это блюдо, которое подают холодным…

Revenge is a dish best served cold.



Kent Hartland

Semi-retired software developer, inventor, jeweler, knife maker, writer . I like tools that help me make things and people that listen to ideas.