Watch Putin Try To Kill Biden

Kent Hartland
11 min readAug 21, 2020
There is plenty of precedent

Alexei Navalny, a brave and relentless opposition leader and foe of Vlad Putin is today in a coma, hovering near death after consuming what his his anti-corruption group says was poison-laced tea at the Tomsk airport before a flight yesterday from Moscow. Now, here us a man that has been jailed many times by Putin and doubtless subjected to the ultimate intimidation more then once. You just don’t go around Moscow calling Putin corrupt and demanding his imprisonment. Oh no., that won’t do.

He was well aware, also, of the many others that had stood against Putin and his corrupt, authoritarian regime and had paid dearly, sometimes with their lives. Indeed, he was all too familiar with Putin’s revenge on former KGB/FSB officer turned Putin critic Alexander Litvinenko, the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, the poisoning of Bulgarian arms manufacturer Emilian Gebrev, the 2004 poisoning of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, the 2003 poisoning Russian lawmaker Yuri Shchekochikhin, the fatal 1978 poisoning of the journalist Georgi Markov and many other acts of violence, imprisonment and intimidation by the man once described as a “schoolyard thug”, now leader of the Russian federation.

Putin will go down as one of the bloodiest Russian operachiks of the modern era. Consider the recent revelations of his paying bounties to the Taliban to kill American and allied soldiers in Afghanistan, a battle in which he has no troops! Bounties which can only be described as murder for hire. If Putin will pay $100,000 to murder a 19 year old kid from Springfield, Missouri for no other reason than he is an American, what else might he be willing to do? A murder for hire program that Trump, by the way, refuses to take a stand against, calling it a “hoax” of course, despite Secretary of State Mike Pompeo affirming that he warned his Russian counterpart that there will be an “enormous price to pay” if the bounty bounty program continued. Not a price for the killings that had already happened, just… no more killings, guys. Come on, really. Stop. I mean it.

Put that into the current context.

We are as I write this, 75 days from a critical and historically unprecedented election, pitting a conventional candidate, Joe Biden against a man that has been revealed and affirmed as late as three days ago by the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee to have been, essentially INSTALLED by Vlad Putin as President of the United States after years of Kompromat by his FSB and against a majority 2,900,000 popular American votes! Putin managed to tip the scales just enough to get his asset, his operative, into the White House where he has managed to do almost irreparable damage to America, our economy, our worldwide reputation, our relationship with our allies, our trading partners, our image and culture. The stage is set for a bitterly contested election where almost certainly Trump is going to declare the results indiscernible and to extend his term indefinitely until such results can be ascertained, which he has already said could take years.

If you look around the world at the handiwork of Vladimir Putin you can easily see the pattern being laid in the United States today. As my friend Larry Sturdevant observed, “A civil war would be Putin’s icing on the revenge cake for the fall of his perverted USSR. Trump is condemned for inconsistency and unpredictability but I’ve noticed that he’s never failed, not once, to take opportunities to harm the American people or their allies. He’s been straight as an arrow on that. And his talking points, all from his handler, his most recent being that we may not know the election results for ‘weeks, maybe years’…. I’ll not respect the bluff too far, seen too many bullies for that. The goal would be civil war, but, in my mind, the current Belarus model is best, a national shut down. No violence, simply stopping everything. They expect, hope for, and are prepared for violence but you can’t beat over half of this population back to work 24/7/365. It worked in Poland a few years ago when they were taking women’s rights, they all walked off the job, domestic and commercial. It’s worked in Thailand, Egypt, so many countries with autocrats. In recent decades the Brits and French would shut the whole thing down if ‘their’ government dared to try to take away any of their rights. India in the 40’s being the greatest example. As with the Karate Kid’s ‘crane technique’, if done correctly, there is no defense…”

I said, you have to put Putin’s bloody tactics in context today. It is this. If he will pay a handsome bounty to kill one American soldier, what would he pay to kill an opposition candidate for the American presidency? Do you think assassination is so yesterday? Tell that to Gabby Giffords, who narrowly survived a shooting that killed six others including a judge and a little girl. Several attempts were made on the lives of Presidents Clinton, the Senior Bush and Obama too, including a thwarted knife attack by a fake reporter, ricin, a pipe bomb and even a man attacking the White House with an automatic rifle, shooting out a window.

Its a sad but simple fact. There are thousands of people, often rural lower or middle class, white men — like me — that feel rage inside them every day. Unlike me, the feel near constant anger over the hand they’ve been dealt, the wrongs they’ve endured, the bad luck they’ve had, the bad crops, bad years, bad marriages, the damn bankers that wouldn’t listen, the damn illegals that are taking all the jobs, the liberals that are tearing down society, the Democrats that are trying to take our guns. They have stomach pains, can’t sleep, can’t finish a sentence without swearing or stuttering. They don’t watch or listen to anything that doesn’t subscribe to their existing views and come from Fox or one or the many deeply conspiratorial radio mongers for fear they might get some liberal thoughts planted in their brains.


These folks are deeply convinced that America is going to hell in a hand cart driven liberal democrats and that if we don’t stop them, by force if necessary, we will lose the country our forefathers built. If you challenge them or even ask them nicely to explain their views you will usually get a few disjointed talking points and if you ask for further supporting information, you will begin to get some anger, red faced anger. If you press it much further you will likely end up with a nasty tirade of name calling, with you being a liberal elitist and much worse, conjoined with the threat, or deliverance, of physical violence. These folks may not be very eloquent with language but they can certainly elaborate with their fists. I don’t advise such deliberations.

There are hundreds at least of these hard line white wingers out there that you wouldn’t have to pay a nickle, to take a shot at Biden. Just get them stoked up on a good couple of hours of Fox news or right wing radio, maybe a beer or two, hand them a deer rifle and salute them for their “patriotism”. Timothy McVeigh,would be proud, compadre. And I’m just pretty sure Putin already has his boys out in the hay fields of the rural South and Midwest right now, hanging out at the Feed And Seed, jawing at the Farm And Home and shooting the breeze at the Legion Hall. But you’ll NEVER convince the good ole boys of America that Frank down the road was once actually Sergei, born in Vladivostok, trained in Leningrad and a Colonel in the FSB who learned perfect English before coming to America under a passport provided by a friendly third party in 1978 and he has been farming here ever since, telling folks he grew up in Denmark in case anyone noticed an oddity in his accent, which they didn’t.

Of course, now, Sergei is a hypothetical person. Or is he? Putin for sure has sleepers in the US, every country has, even our allies. So do we, in their countries. You’d be a fool not to. So yeah, Sergei, he’s out there, a good ole boy, too. He’ll buy you a cold one next time you’re at the Hall. You’ll find he’s the most agreeable fella you ever met, especially if you want to talk about Biden.

Hey, you know, you’re a pretty good fella. Waitress! Bring us a couple more, will ya hon? I’m glad we had this talk. In fact, I don’t do this for just anyone but I might be able to get you a membership at the trap shooters club, it’s by invite only ya know. And maybe an invite to the… well, you know… we don’t want to talk about that just yet. And, wait — look, look, there he is on the TV now, that damn Biden. Ya know pal, I wouldn’t mind if someone eliminated that sonofabitch all together, know what I mean? It’d be like the American thing to do if ya ask me. Don’t you agree?wouldn’t be that hard to do either, you think about it.”

He doesn’t have to kill Biden. He just has to manipulate and motivate someone else to kill Biden. Some jihadi, some pissed off farmer, some unemployed steelworker, some deranged gunner like the guy that shot Gabby Giffords, hell some low level Russian Mafia hitter would do it for a hundred grand. Hell, dah, Comrade!

Putin is a mad dog. He seethes at the fact of Reagan spending the Soviet Union into oblivion and humiliation. Now that the Russian Federation has crawled back from the grave and is again one of the world’s nascent superpowers, he is marking his time, waiting his chance. The exercises in Ukraine and Belarus were just that, practice. The probing overflights along Alaska, the Russian destroyer nearly ramming one of our guided missile cruisers in the Philippine Sea, are all tests to gather data on our response capabilities, our reflexes. Also putting us on notice.

He has armies of at-home and call center people doing nothing but spreading crap on social media, setting Americans at each other throats. Posing as Americans, posting lies about Republicans on Democrat forums and lies about Democrats on Republican forums. Obama’s gonna invade Texas. Obama’s gonna gitcher guns. FEMA’s building death camps for conservatives. Obama was born in Kenya. And, notice Trump is all too quick to join in. It’s been said he inhales oxygen and exhales lies. He can’t pass up a good conspiracy theory and the more outlandish the better.

The upshot of all this is just remarkable disbelief, a suspension of reality by the public at large, a complete distrust in facts. Exactly what you want if you are planning a flurry of events in which news and facts and accurate information will be critical to a correct and timely response. A situation where the support of the American people would be needed if we have to escort Trump out of the White House, or worse.

Putin has no reason to allow a peaceful and fair US election to take place, an election that may well unseat the most valuable operative he has in the entire world. Quite the contrary, he had a most vested interest in preserving and protecting Trump the asset, and will most certainly do whatever audacious thing he requires to make certain that no one, not Joe Biden, the Secret Service , the American people or the American military gets in his way. This is his moment. He may never again get a chance this golden. Trump ain;t getting any younger and if Putin wants to finish the job he started in 2016 he’d best lock up the WHite House now and that damn well may include rubbing out Joe Biden. Why not? Putin kills with impunity. Like Trump he is a sociopath. They don’t feel. They don’t worry. They just do.

And, should it happen, what should be our response? Should we spend months or years investigating it while Trump derides it as a Democrat hoax or Deep State conspiracy against him, filling the airwaves and Twitter with his stupid, vile lies? Even under all that smoke and bluster, Putin wouldn’t likely try to cover his tracks because he WANTS you to know what he did. It should not be an issue sorting it out.

If we would assess the evidence and it pointed back to Russia, should we immediately strike back — and hard, like we did after 9–11 when we powdered Bora Bora, wounding Bin Laden and nearly killing him? Or should we send a Delta or Seal team into Moscow maybe eight or nine months later and take out half of the Kremlin with the explicit message to quit — — — with our elections, our way of life and our form of government? Quit — — — with America? I don’t know, maybe something a bit more measured, but surely a short, sharp, excruciating lesson would be in order. Imagine if we had penetrated their government, their society, their media and politics the way they have ours, what would be their reaction?

But before there could be any reaction, who is going to order it? Certainly not the puppet. He would have to be deposed first and that is a nasty piece of work in itself, an effort that could drive a deep wedge into the heart of the nation, the most serious Constitutional crisis since 1860. Our leaders, the ones below Trump, would have to decide, each for themselves where their loyalties and duties lie, with Trump or the Constitution. They would have to decide if he constitutes a domestic enemy, whether or not they believe he is in collusion with a foreign enemy.

There would be the question of whether or not to accept orders from arguably inaugurated President Biden or whether Nancy Pelosi could assume the Presidency. The Joint Chiefs would have to decide what their role is and what action the military would take against the civilian government and under what conditions. The entire leadership of America could be adrift with different factions arguing for control, civilian factions forming, some arming and threatening revolt, the military contending with possible renegade units, police forces in some parts of the country threatening to join one side or the other. In short, our nation could teeter on another out and out civil war.

What better time for Putin and/or Chairman Xi or Kim Jong Un or Ali Knamenei or a half dozen other third world wannabe strongmen and terrorists to launch who knows what kind of hellacious action on us. We would certainly be vulnerable.

All this has skewed the dynamics of this election away from a Democrat/Republican contest into a Democracy/Communism contest. Indeed, it has pushed it onto the world stage, for a loss here has dreadful ramifications for every nation that aspires to freedom.

The Balance is at stake. We must decide, we must take a stand for our form of government and for the well-being of all people. We must disallow the Russians to continue to manipulate our government and jeopardize our nation! We must reestablish the equilibrium. Diplomacy and cooperation must return as a normal form of international conduct rather than bluster, hyper-action, unpredictability, discord and threats. The grapes of wrath make for bitter fruit indeed.

Watch for the assassination attempt. It will only NOT happen if our side makes it so ludicrous to even try.

Vote early folks, like it was America versus the Communists, because it is, it truly is. And it wouldn’t hurt to pray for the wisdom and reflexes of those very brave people protecting Mr. Biden. IT MATTERS NOT your political affiliation, your radio channel, your faith, address, income or position on guns, abortion, immigration, race or taxes.

The pure truth is, Joe Biden is the hope of American democracy at this moment in history.



Kent Hartland

Semi-retired software developer, inventor, jeweler, knife maker, writer . I like tools that help me make things and people that listen to ideas.